#LED식물성장조명 #식물성장조명 #LED경관조명 #경관조명 #LED일반조명 #일반조명 #PlantGrowLight #LandscapeLightings #PlantGrow #Light #LEDLight #Lighting #Lightings #조명 #cannabis #식물재배 #SmartFarm #스마트팜 #LED조명Digilite Co., Ltd. has been supplying optical devices including infrared transmitters and receivers to leading domestic companies since our establishment in 1988 with the goal of professionally manufacturing and supplying optical semiconductor parts and applied products. Thanks to the rapid development of LED materials and technologies, since 2005, we have continuously developed landscape LED lighting, interior LED lighting, signage LED lighting, and DMX controller, and continue to supply our products in overseas markets including Europe, North America, Japan and Australia, being recognized by the high trust and performance of our products. Since 2015, we have developed and supplied LED lights for growth of plant to replace sunlight in plant factories that are being sought as a way to solve food problems caused by global environmental changes and population growth.