#지비스 #지비스마트 #led조명 #iot조명 #지보리 #보이는리모콘 #스마트조명 #zibis #zibismart #ziboribecome a smart house. ZIBISMART. ZIBIS is Korea's leading smart electronics company that aims for smart homes. The company name "ZIBIS" originated from the word "ZIB(house) is..." and is designed to study the next generation of homes and provide products that enrich and comfort life. ZIBIS pursues 'smart life'. Smart life means that the environment surrounding me directly communicates with me. Even if I don't care, it's about building an environment where I know what I want and solve it. ZIBIS is the starting point for creating a smart life, paying attention to the closest and most precious environment to me, the house, and the light that fills the house. So the 'smart life' that ZIBIS draws starts with 'smart electric'. From lighting manufacturing to logistics, construction and A/S, ZIBIS offers One Stop Service.