#led등 #led전구 #시력보호 #건강조명 #친환경 #감성조명 #햇빛등 #바이오등 #바이오전구 #자연조명 #led조명 #적외선 #식물조명 #식물등 #ledlighting #ledlamp #ledbulb #eyesightprotection #gardenlight #Sunlightlikelamp #Biolamp #led조명 #스마트팜 #스마트오피스 #smartfarm #smartoffice #artificialsunlight #인공햇빛 #바이오조명 #Biolightbar #FlatLamp #평판등SolarMission Co., Ltd. that makes artificial sunlight lamps that can offer the benefit of sunlight because the spectrums are very similar to sunlight. Artificial sunlight lamps are full-spectrum that does not have ultraviolet rays and contains infrared rays, and so are good to both people and plants. Eco-friendly healthy lighting made for the first time in the world with patented technology is named Bio lighting. Bio lighting is divided into for artificial lighting, for smart office, and for smart farm. We produce and sell 50W Bio Light Lamp, 10W Bio Light Bulb, 100W Bio Flood Light, 11W Down Sunset Light, 10W Sunset Light Bulb, 20W/40W Artificial Sunlight Bar, 11W Planting Bulb, 50W Bio Flat Lamp, 70W Bio Flat Lamp, 50W Artificial Sunlight Flood Light, and 200W/350W Artificial Sunlight Flood Light that are good for the eyes and body and plants. In particular, Bio Light Bar produces strawberries with a sugar content of 17.8 even in a dark room, bringing about innovation in smart farms.