#진우엘텍 #JinwooEltec #스포츠조명 #SportsLighting #LED투광기 #LEDFloodlight #조명타워 #LightingTower #GolfCourse #골프장조명 #경기장조명 #StadiumLighting #축구장조명 #SoccerFieldLighting #야구장조명 #BaseballLightingThe total solution specialty company 'JINWOO ELTEC CO.,LTD.' can offer total solutions for large places and sports lighting from design to construction. We can produce floodlights, lighting towers and even concrete bases by ourselves. Also, we have unique technical skills and accumulative experience in the areas of high power/efficiency LED floodlights, telescopic lighting towers, and in addition raising and lowering high mast, as well. We have a production system that customizes goods and supplies promptly based on cutting edge lighting technology. All staff members have a part in the creative process of its R&D, service and strengthening compe- titiveness to differentiate from all the available foreign made lighting technology out there. We constantly strive for producing the best lights. We are shooting for the world leader in high end sports lighting, so excellence is the number one objective in mind at all times.